Tuesday, April 8, 2008

7 going on 12

NEW glasses and a smile back on her face...she now looks so grown up...


she loves these glasses..they are maybe a tad to big ..but these were the ones she wanted!!! ( and a little photoshop playing...need some of the options that Pioneer Woman uses...LOVE her new using photoshop blog, just wish the kids had blue eyes to use her trick..tried ..and brown really doesn't work the same...)

Damon tonight was over at his friends down the street, playing street hockey...we couldn't believe this was him!!! he has never gone with his stick to play before and get right in there!!! he took what looked to be a shot off the face and kept on playing.....

took lots of pictures of me making supper tonight... DINNER RUSH gotta try this if you haven't...LOVE IT...and makes so much....next time half-ing every recipe I can....

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