Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I have been so busy lately to even think of anything to write about...so here is where I have been browsing at when I have time

The Image is Found
(from here I tend to go to some of their friends sites that post or are linked)

Bijoue Kaleidoscope - think I found this one while looking for some decorating ideas

these two I have no idea how I stumbled onto them but I keep going back to them =P
Running with scissors
Cottage way of life

This one is a must if searching for the right fonts!
FREE fontspace

these two are for cake and cute ideas!
The pink cake box

My dream spaces include something from all of these places
two peas love the red and vintage feel
2nd two peas  love the black island!

and while I am dreaming.... I need these knobs
and adding these to my Christmas list Vintage Coke crates I shall want at least 2!

YUMMY Coconut Shrimp- plan on putting this recipe into action-(you may need to scroll down on this one no idea why it will not let save just the shrimp entry on this blog? )

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Had so much fun perusing your bookmarks Kari (spent way to long in a few of them :)