Wednesday, February 10, 2010

an Amazing SALE !!UPDATED

I was just at the local Micheals... and spotted an item... which suits me to a T... but for the sake of such a deal (or sucker)  I grabbed 4- and thought about taking all that were there!...

I will post a photo of my DEAL later tonight... I am busy helping kids with projects for school and a hockey game at 7.....

Some hints:

of course it is BLACK and WHITE with a damask pattern
You can store rolls of various colors and patterns in it
But this is not what I will use it for =) I'm thinking of a better use =P

Take a look here... at the price I got them I could resell! they were  A LITTLE OVER 98% off... see why I just about bought them all....

tell me your best the best SALE price you have ever had...
and what could you use this for... I'm thinking a docking station in one half... little power bar inside..where the ribbon comes out could be where the cords to charge my things comes out... and even a little label for each cord.....How handy and cute!

 one could be yours ( I will deliver it to the winner on Sunday) Kids will make the draw on Friday after school!


mlafayette said...

It's not the best sale but best sale tip. I was shopping with my cousin (and we were about 12 years old) and we found some blank tapes that had an old sticker on them from a sale from the previous week. We went up the the cashier and the cashier tore off the sticker and sold it to us for the regular price. We went home and told my aunt the story and she told us that the cashier had to sell the product to us for the ticketed price. Now if I am ever not sure of a price I stand up for myself and question the cashier.

Karen of the KAGS said...

Haven't got a clue what it was because I didn't do any price changes today - but I know they are clearing out and changing over the ribbon section & the bridal section!

I love the rush of a steal of a deal though and the overbuying because it is such a good deal :)

bamemories said...

I have to admit-I don't do sales very well-love it when I come across them, but then I usually pass as I never know what I'd do with the product that is on such a good sale. Unfortunately I usually pay full price, but I am very good at returning things!!

Leica Forrest said...

wow! I think that is an awesome deal. I love anything black and white, it is so timeless, so I am totally in for this contest. lol!

Jerri-Lea said...

Wow, good find! And you are just too organized! Perhaps this would start me in the right direction.
My best ever sale was when I was about 12 my Grandma took me shopping in Swift Current at the mall ~ being from a farm it was the 'big city'. I picked out a yellow button up blouse and when I took it to the cashier it rang up to a total of 75cents! I was pretty proud!

Erin said...

Oooo, nice find! How come you didn't show me? I like the docking station idea-I have been wanting to set something like that up for ages...

My best bargain...hmmmm...well, I almost never buy anything at full price, so I'm kind of a bargain hunter all the time. Sure love a good deal:)

Kari said...

I'm just bursting to tell everyone about the sale...
drum roll.... 47cents!!!

I could have bought over 50 to equal regular price!! but I think there was only 10 or so there.... I may be off to get some more tonight! that is if there is any left.... and Erin I would have totally showed you, but it was after I spent 45 mins in there.. I walked down by the ribbons and there they were bottom shelf hidden out of the way... the colors and pattern is what caught my eye and the price gave me the "go ahead" to buy them..

Cary B said...

I'm a sale-shopper and get giddy about a good deal! Probably my most memorable deal was clothes shopping just after I returned to work from maternity leave. Now, we all know that your shape changes a bit after going through a pregnancy, so my old work clothes fit ... but differently! Out of sheer need, I stopped to get some dress pants and found a great pair marked about $15. I was stoked! But, when I got to the till, there were multiple markdowns on that, so I walked out of the store with my new pants for just over $5. I mean, I floated out of the store on cloud 9! What's better - I went back the next day and bought 2 more pairs for less than $20!

Awesome box Kari - and AMAZING price! I just know they'll be put to great use! And, it would look great at my desk ...

Erin said...

Ahh yes, I'm greatly looking forward to the day I can leisurely walk around a store again. Lucy gets very impatient if we stand still for too long and she finds that store especially aggrevating for some reason...she must know I want to browse! At the most, I get about 10-15 mins, so I have to know what I'm going for before we go in.

What a super find and it sounds like you really had to look for it too! Doesn't a deal like that just make you feel awesome?