Thursday, April 16, 2009


to this wonderful Saskatoon weather!
we had a little glitch- the keys were placed in the trunk and no matter how hard we searched for the key fob thingy... we could not find it in any pocket or corner in the suitcases...... Turns out it was safe and sound............RIGHT ALONG SIDE THE KEYS IN THE TRUNK! nothing a little roadside assistance could not fix.

I have 400 photos to sort out...
and I did survive this: scared of heights but I managed

Damon was unable to have a tour of GM Place but.... he did get a treat! some autographs- although it was for the visiting team-the BLUES but it was all good-

look really closely at the last picture of the slide show- (that is the proof that I was there- made damon stand there so that I could get my reflection in his new sunglasses lenses)

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