Friday, July 31, 2009


I have been very good this year.................................................



Some girls have to have their shoes/handbags/cupcakes =) but I LOVE swimwear

and Ebay now has me NEEDING this suit!

the only decision is what color????


Saucy said...

PINK!!! No, brown... no, pink! I've told you about chick math, right??? Get both. If you get them on eBay, you're SAVING money if you buy both of them.

Winners has Juicy bathing suit coverups right now. Size small. Go get one! I have a little thing for swimsuits too, but my meds left me "fluffy" this summer... This suit is absolutely too cute for words!

Saucy said...

Oh, and totally versatile, you can wear it so many ways, so it's like buying eight suits in one, so again: SAVING money.

Do it.

Do it.


Anonymous said...

I know... I totally get your chick math! I had a bid on the pink and yellow.. but really like the brown too...
and I lost the pink by .75 arrggg

and with payapl money in my account... its also just calling my name.... =)

keeping a closer watch on these suits this time!

Jerri-Lea said...

Lucky for you and your hard work (aka Boot Camp) that you will look incredible in that!! I'm with Saucy, pink and brown!

Karen of the KAGS said...

Kari, you will look good in that no matter what the colour - so just do it! Pink.