Sunday, August 30, 2009

Photo Session at Sutherland Beach

I packed up the kids and headed down to take some photos down by our river spot we went to last year!... The kids loved trying to skip rocks-and they actually got some to work!

Damon was still sporting his new hat that Uncle Bryce had given him- gotta say this suits him better than a baseball hat, with all his hair sticking out everywhere =)
And NONE of these shots were set-up.. the kids just placed themselves and smiled! Or a "Mom... take a photo of me like this...." Damon said here... and ran a head for this shot... that I really like!

NOW to start to learn some photoshop so that I can make these photo actually stand out...
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Jenn said...

Very nice Kari! I can't wait for fall photoshoots, it's my fav time to shoot!

Karen of the KAGS said...

Beautiful pictures Kari - that Damon sure has grown up!

Saucy said...

These are fantastic - the light was just perfect. I'm not sure where Sutherland Beach is, you might have to "enlighten me" some day, ha ha... light... but seriously, gorgeous shots!

Jerri-Lea said...

Lookin' good! We have no photoshop here so what we shoot is what we get!
I'm still working on shooting in low level lighting and trying to figure out how to set my camera for it!

Brain Jizz said...

I need to get into photography, too. I really enjoy it, and you can teach me all the in's and out's.

oh, and the collage is my new desktop background, it works and looks real good.