I found some very cool black balls for the tree.... 12 for $2.99 a steal =) there are satin finished. glittery and a dully finish... I think a black will look amazing with a slash of red and a hint of pearly white!
I may need to run back and purchase some more! on my lunch break tomorrow =)
The kids brought home a note from school stating that they were now at 10% of students home sick with FLU or Flu like symptoms! YIKES.... wash wash wash scrub scrub scrub
With Danica having asthma and with being anaphylactic to Motrin or Advil ( Ibuprofen) and she can not have Eppi she needs another version of adrenaline when her throat closes off....... my concern for her with all this H1N1.... I fear that if she was to get the worst case of this flu... we could end up in the hospital with her ( she was in ER many times when she was little with croup/colds/or asthma attacks.. twice nurses arranging everything for emergency tracheotomy .... the whole fever part of H1N1 scares me that she may require something stronger than Tylenol to bring it down....
What are your ideas on this H1N1 vaccination?
Black balls? Really?!!
We got the same note home too, so maybe it's a generic one. There was one confirmed H1N1 in Daisy's class this week for sure.
I think with the vaccine, everyone has to make their own personal informed (or not)decision. I hope Danica can safely make it through this flu season without a fever.
Karen... at the public school portal- for staff -- you are only allowed to send out that note if you have 10% of students and or teachers missing at school do to illness... it has to go through a bunch of health region people and downtown school people before this note has to be sent out..and it has to be sent out and approved for the first day that 10% are missing...
Most important thing for the kids to do is WASH ... Damon said there were only 11 kids in his class yesterday! instead of 30!! all with flu/colds... I just hope Dj can stay healthy til she gets her needle =)
My school is not at 10% yet and I'm making sure my students wash their hands every time they come in from outside and obviously before snack...so about 5-6 times/day. I also have wipes and hand sanitizer in my room. I clean the tables and other surfaces throughout the day as well. So far I've had all of my students here this week...fingers crossed for tomorrow and the weeks to come. As for the vaccine there is a lot of good info and garbage on the net. I think you have to make an informed/gut decision and go with it. That being said, I still don't know what to do about my little one.
As I am suffering through some nasty bug here (a flu for sure, but not sure it is H1N1 and I am sequestered at home so that I don't spread it around), I am so grateful for my every-four-hour dose of ibuprofen. It is what keeps my lungs from imploding from the pain and the headache and body aches from taking over completely. The coughing bouts are so, so, so painful. I cannot imagine what your daughter must go through without the whole spectrum of pain control medications to choose from. If the vaccination would prevent her from suffering through this or at least make the symptoms milder, then I would say for sure, give it to her. I am an at-risk person, but it hit before the vaccine was available to me and sure wish I had had the choice. Good luck!
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