Friday, August 5, 2011

taste test Aug 9 @7:30pm

RSVP on my Facebook Event Calendar HERE

more information on products HERE

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I will be having a taste testing next week..(posting date and time later today).. come and go style at my house... taste all my favorite shakes! bring your whole family =} my kids love the shakes! and with all the vitamins and minerals in a shake I know they better then the multivitamins I can hardly get them to take!

here is a video with some information about product and company! (PUSH PLAY TWICE FOR SOME REASON)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Body by Vi challenge

To join my healthier you challenge.... I'm in it to get rid of my sluggish slow self... Lack of energy... Nonsleeping self

What I have noticed - more energy!! Plus .... Sleeping through the night and waking up ready to go!!

Kids - Damon has more energy... He asks for one everyday to start his day ... Which Is a plus... He has never ate breakfast... Hope to get him into a drink for breakfast habit that will help him concentrate at school and give him the nutrients hr needs to grow healthy and make more healthy food choices

Danica - slower to take them... Found a chocolate milk recipe with a hint if mint ... She slurped that right up! Again I just want her getting all her vitamins , minerals and nutrition for the day in one shake!

Interested in tasting a ViShake? Or more information

Leave me a comment... I will be back to city Sunday! And love to whip you up a mocha latte, piña colada, a Saskatoon berry or another one of my 100 recipes!!!

Go visit my site:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Football and a river photo shoot

A mini photo shoot of Danica and her friend at the river...

Damon (77) at his 3rd football game... Think I may need to learn about a whole new sport!

I was so proud that I wanted to attempt taking all these photos today in total MANUAL mode... and I did.... and YES there is a difference to the last football photos ( shot in P mode and they were on the same new XTi2 camera)

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day of Icing

Today I had a little help form a few Baton Moms to get the task of icing around 160 cupcakes (24+ a few extras in each flavor)
- Lemon cupcake, lemon icing..and a little sugar lemon slice and Wrigley's gum leaf

Pina Colada
White cupcake (with a few extras- pineapple juice instead of water and 1/3c coconut) and the most yummy Malibu rum icing ( there is 1/2c smoothing out the icing) and a cocktail cherry

White cupcake and the icing was a new one I tried with egg whites... 2TBP of Tequila, lime juice and some rim salt

White Mocha
Espresso cupcake with a white Chocolate and whipping cream icing... and a homemade chocolate swirl- missing is little chocolate shavings, to be added tomorrow
I just didn't want to have the cupcake go running so we only staged one cupcake and took them apart- hence why I did not want to pick chocolate shavings off... =-)
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Photos of the whole lot of cupcakes and the golf day will maybe end up on here tomorrow sometime! LATE

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sock Piggy and Monkey

2 socks..cut one through the half way point of the heel...

2nd sock turn inside out ... draw pattern (tail, 4legs and 2ears) sew with sewing machine on black marker lines then cut and turn right side in.... and stuff each part except the tail....a pipe cleaner works for a curly little tail!

sew all stuffed parts and tail onto pig

and isn't she cute! she is just missing a mouth... but Danica was tired of sewing for now.. she hand sewed all the parts on.. even the buttons!

Pattern HERE since I missed some photos and my steps are not as clear....

(Since we tried to crochet a sack boy-Little Big Planet- but I soon found out I can not follow the Youtubes on how to make a circle.. after an hour and a pile of loops I gave up ... so if any of my friends crochet.... wink wink... maybe you can teach me the tricks of the trade)

Look at some of these cute animals... and I bet you will be running for all those ODD socks!

back to stitching her together ... Danica is busy putting the legs on... and the photos of her Piggy will follow as soon as we are done!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saskatoon's Fireworks Festival

(This is what it looks like through the $1 glasses Tammi purchased for the kids)

I had the tripod but had the wrong attachment piece with me... so I attempted the fireworks without.... I also played with the ISO some were on 800 for a more blurry effect the rest were on 1600 ....

if you have never been down to the river to enjoy this display... it was amazing.... (Tammi and I took the kids to the Saturday show)

I took over 100 photos... I am just trying to get the slide show to load up... maybe later tonight I can figure it out =-)
Firework Photos:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cupcakes and Fresh Garden Goods

I managed to get all 64 cupcakes baked last night and iced this morning by 10am for the football bottle drive and potluck lunch

They were Yard lines ( some were thinking Saskatchewan player numbers.. I thought it was pretty clear what they were.. oh well)

Some of the garden goods that were ready to be picked and enjoyed for supper....
I finally picked one of the peppers ( I only bought red and yellow) but how long does it take for them to turn on the plant? I have at least 10 more growing but 3 or 4 really BIG ones like this one in the photo ( behond the beans and carrots)

On last day off for the kids before school gets going... Danica is ready to get back... Damon not so much... Yikes grades 5 & 7 ... how does time fly so fast?
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Friday, August 27, 2010


Okay.. I have no idea.... I know the main idea of the sport... I get the downs and the yard-line stuff... but as for the plays or the positions - I am lost

so here is what Damon says he plays: "Weak side Defence" ( and from what I can gather.. he is positioned in the 2nd line of defence.. middle.. and when its the right play he rushes the QB...)

Damon really enjoys it so far ( he has only had 2 practices) and does he and the other boys work hard... I didn't think it was this intense for practises ( 2 hours every night 5X a week until the season starts then 2 hours 4X a week and the games)

and for some reason the first set are backwards -for the play- no idea how that happened uploading ( but I am in the middle of making 62 cupcakes for tomorrows football bottle drive/ potluck supper... and I really don't feel like changing the photos!)

and Damon is in the BLACK with the ORANGE shirt showing at the bottom...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Almost over

only 2 days left and I am back to work and the kids are soon back to school.... no idea where the summer was or went

I have signed up for an amazing class.... ( I have thought I should make a shirt just like this ... but never felt I had the time...) BUT with an online class... I could not turn it down- they are so cute

(her blog: Dear Lizzy- on the right hand side)

The kids are busy getting into the fall time groove....

Damon will be playing tackle football (it started today but he is having some fun at his grandma and grandpa Walker's farm right now)... his nights look busy with football running M T W TH F SAT 2 hours each night... then following week T W TH F SAT SUN.... so I hope to get some photos of him - not always on the bottom of a pile-up :-)
Damon will also start hockey tryouts first week of October- I think.

AND Dj... will keep me even more busy at the dance studio...She will be taking Jazz 3 (along with Jazz 3 exam classes) 2 classes of Ballet (this is a first try at ballet and she will be in level 2) and Baton- where she will be still competing the same amount (solo,medley,solo dance, duet, and groups but will be adding 2 Baton... yes she will be throwing.... catching ...and spinning two batons at once... YIKES ...

I may need to apply for a second job.... I will never complain about hockey being expensive.... Until your little girl wants to dance ... only then you see how cheap hockey REALLY is!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Picked number Three

so since Kristy managed to enter twice I only counted her first one

Crystal send me your information to

creative.scrapper AT

and lip licking yummy gloss will be sent your way'


'Twas 2am on a stormy Thursday night,
Everyone was snoring in bed tucked-up tight,
When on the deck there arose such a clatter
With KEDA and HALO wondering "What the HELL is the matter?"
I sprang outta bed and chased them around
Then stopped at the back door to investigate the sound
Hoping it was nothing and I could get back to bed
When I saw such a site that made me shake my sleepy head
The white ForceFlex bag bulging full of trash
had now tumbled down the stairs with a great big crash
there was ham, there were ribs and Chinese noodles too
strewn all over the yard...... "Oh ,&%$#^*what to do!"
two beady eyes stared back at us with a gleam
It was the strangest stray cat I had ever seen
From behind those piles of garbage and yesterday's pizza box
stood a gangly, narrow nosed, sly little............


also... tonight I will pick a winner for the lip gloss....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Forestry Farm

All photos are care of Danica (well not the one she is in!) It was a beautiful day there yesterday.... all the animals were out- you have to go first thing in the morning.... the bears were loving the water in the heat.

Today is the perfect day to stay in and try to do some scrapbooking.... house cleaning and maybe some baking in the Easy Bake oven =)
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Monday, August 9, 2010

Give away

When I was in Calgary, I needed to make two stops.

1. Pottery Barn- had my eye on a blanket for dj... A brightly colored gerber daisy pattern( think it was flower pop) but no PBteen there... off to eBay to see what I can come up with

2. Bath & Body Works.... Love this store.. Kitchen antibac soaps...gotta have every flavor! And while I spent my hour n a bit looking, smelling, testing.... I stumbled upon lip gloss in cupcake flavors!!! Dj sports a cookies n cream, while I have the red velvet.
There is always a deal there so it happened to be cheaper to get three....(like it was to get six of their hand soap pumps for $21.., three of their signature lotions or shower gels and get 3FREE ... So I did :-)

I have a strawberry cupcake lip gloss to give away!

Is there a favorite store you always need to check out when your at a BIG city?
I will do a random draw on Friday

Better start making a list for back to school ... It's going to be here soon!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wedding weekend

Having to take a photo to see if my hair looked somewhat okay all curled and up
Not too many good photos.. there was a lady in front of me and she stood up and was always in my way! oh well...

my cousin Charmaine and Andrew

quick photo shoot to keep the kids from saying "I'm BORDED!"

Danica's turn with the camera

Damon... clicking away....

Mini cupcakes .... super cute and yummy


that was about all the photos that were taken that day....
it was a fast weekend filled with driving...but with the new car... the 12 plus hours of driving... were actually FUN

Thursday, July 29, 2010


With my old car's lease being up in September I have been looking for a new car.... and I love everything about this Mazda3 Sport.... big plus Damon's hockey bag will fit in the back- no more taking it in the back seat! which is good since he is almost 12 (and its only going to get stinkier)
I managed to get a great deal ( thanks Brian) I was given his name by a co-worker and to deal he gave me I was able to pick it up now... this way I am able to get the WHITE... 6 Speed that my little heart was stuck on.... all that I need to do is get the back windows tinted dark.....
well off to hunt around for the best package policy price.. so that I can take this little car to Calgary for the weekend to my cousin's wedding....
I hope to have a few photos of the wedding to upload when I get back... ( they have rented Spruce Meadows for the wedding,she use to or maybe still does ride there) Love my dress and little jacket I got from Le Chateau.... have to get a photo of it too... the jacket is my favorite part ( its got a Victorian flare to it- so me... like a modern Tudors!
Have a great long weekend =)

Monday, July 26, 2010


As I was standing in the water taking a few diving shots of a friends kids... I turn around and start snapping some shots of Dj.... My wheels are already turning for some scrapbook layout ideas!

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